jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

The Diversity of UK Research and Knowledge - Analyses from the REF impact case studies

The UK’s most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF2014), for the first time evidenced the economic and societal impact of university research through a total of 6,975 case studies. This Digital Research Report on ‘The Diversity of UK Research and Knowledge’ introduces this dataset and contains visualisations of the knowledge networks underpinning the impact of UK university research. Alongside it lies an interactive visualisation, see www.digital-science.com/visualizations/ref-case-study-similarity-network.
Authors: Loach, Tamar; Adams, Jonathan; Szomszor, Martin
Source: Figshare
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1476881

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