Dear editor:
We read with greatinterestthe article Bullying among schoolchildren:
differences between victims and aggressors, recently published
in Gaceta Sanitaria.1 Motivated by this study, we would like to
share information about the characteristics of victims and aggressors
of bullying in Peru after an extensive literature search about
this underexplored topic in our country and attempt some comparisons
versus Spain as well as some concluding remarks and
Bullying in Peru, as very likely in Spain, is a hidden and yet
latent phenomenon. Moreover, it varies across regions in our country
and profiles might be different than what is found in Spain.
In a study conducted in an urban Lima school in 2007, victims
usually had fewer friends, spent more time alone at recess and
exhibited decreased self-confidence than non-victims.2 Similarly,
another study conducted in in 2009 found that adolescents with
any physical defects are more prone to being bullied, being excluded
by aggressors and experience discriminative behaviors that
cause impaired social image of the victim and generate rivalries
with peers.3
In Peruvian rural areas adolescent victims tend to be
picked on by peers, be very quiet, fearful and considered small and
weak and not to respond to attacks.
Authors: Leiva Montejo, Angela; León Amenero, Gustavo; Lister del Pino, Patricia; Segura, Eddy R
Source: Gaceta Sanit.aria
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