jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

Use of information sources by recently graduated physicians of Lima

 In order to determine the use of information sources by recently graduated physicians of Lima, Peru in 2011, a survey was conducted among graduated physicians at seven universities. They were asked about the use of search engines in the health area during their year of medical internship [last year of medical school]. Regular use was defined as the source being used once a week or daily. For 490 respondents, regularly used information sources were SciELO, accessed by 173 (36.4%); PubMed 165 (34.4%); HINARI 117 (25.5%); UpToDate 98 (22.3%); Cochrane Library 94 (20.6%); LILACS 91 (19.8%); a hospital institutional library 70 (15.0%); LIPECS 39 (8.7%); and Peru BVS 42 (9.3%). Only a minority regularly accessed information sources related to health. It is necessary to improve capacity in the efficient use of various resources of scientific information in a continuous way and that reaches students and health professionals.
Authors: R. Mejia, ChristianCaceres, Onice J.Vera, Claudia A.Nizama Vía, AyarCurioso, Walter H.Mayta Tristán, Percy
Source: Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica

URL:  http://hdl.handle.net/10757/336475

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