In order to determine the use of information sources by recently graduated physicians of Lima, Peru in 2011, a survey was
conducted among graduated physicians at seven universities. They were asked about the use of search engines in the
health area during their year of medical internship [last year of medical school]. Regular use was defined as the source
being used once a week or daily. For 490 respondents, regularly used information sources were SciELO, accessed by
173 (36.4%); PubMed 165 (34.4%); HINARI 117 (25.5%); UpToDate 98 (22.3%); Cochrane Library 94 (20.6%); LILACS
91 (19.8%); a hospital institutional library 70 (15.0%); LIPECS 39 (8.7%); and Peru BVS 42 (9.3%). Only a minority
regularly accessed information sources related to health. It is necessary to improve capacity in the efficient use of various
resources of scientific information in a continuous way and that reaches students and health professionals.
Authors: R. Mejia, Christian; Caceres, Onice J.; Vera, Claudia A.; Nizama Vía, Ayar; Curioso, Walter H.; Mayta Tristán, Percy
Source: Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
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