martes, 28 de julio de 2015

Early Prevention and Screening of Cervical Cancer in a Developing Country

We have read with much interest an article recently published by Ekwueme et al.1 about the impact of the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program on cervical cancer mortality among uninsured low-income women in the U.S. Cervical cancer is a relevant issue in Peru, owing to its high incidence and mortality rate when compared with other countries.2 Despite being a fully preventable cancer with a clearly known pathogen, its early prevention and detection remains a problem in Peru, which is worsened by poverty conditions and inadequate access to health care, as well as unequal distribution of health workers among the country’s different regions.3
Authors: Carvallo Michelena, AlvaroRojas Dominguez, Jorge LuisPiscoya, Alejandro
Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Am J Prev Med)

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