martes, 30 de abril de 2019

TESIS: Proyecto de sustitución en el uso del papel y recursos adicionales que permitan la reducción de desechos y se generen beneficios en el sector telecomunicaciones

Pretende lograr Identificar las necesidades de los usuarios para migrar al recibo digital en la facturación de los servicios de las empresas de telecomunicaciones. Identificar que tan dispuestos están los usuarios a suscribirse al envío de recibos digitales y qué los motiva a hacerlo. Proponer alternativas que aceleren el proceso de conversión de recibos físicos a recibos digitales. De acuerdo a los objetivos se analiza la viabilidad de la sustitución del recibo físico por el recibo digital, donde el enfoque del trabajo es el impacto al medio ambiente desde la perspectiva de las empresas de telecomunicaciones. La metodología utilizada son fuentes secundarias y entrevistas a los diferentes actores de las empresas de telecomunicaciones del país y los usuarios que se podrían ver beneficiados o perjudicados. Se realiza un análisis descriptivo de la información. En segundo lugar, se atiende el problema del estudio y las variables de la investigación, el resultado se contrasta con la posición de las empresas de telecomunicaciones en el cambio esperado, en función a la preservación del medio ambiente. Analiza el motivo por el que las empresas de telecomunicaciones no son capaces de desplegar de manera acelerada el reemplazo del recibo físico por el uso de tecnología a fin de contribuir con el cuidado del medio ambiente. El problema ha sido identificado debido a la preocupación por el cuidado del medio ambiente a través de la eliminación del uso del papel físico por el digital para la facturación de los servicios de las empresas de telecomunicaciones. Es importante conocer porqué el usuario no acepta el recibo electrónico, por lo que se presume que la edad y costumbres determinan la aceptación del uso de medios digitales, pese a que actualmente la necesidad de estar en el mundo digital cada vez es más determinante.

TESIS: Análisis de la cadena de valor de la quinua, chenopodium quinoa, peruana para el desarrollo de un modelo comercial agroexportador

The development of a value chain strengthened according of the new Peruvian agroexporting crops is of great importance to continue to make the sector dynamic. The present study analyzed the case of the quinoa as an emerging product, which has captured a great interest both by the consumer, local and international, as well as by the entrepreneurs. However, given the current situation, it can be said that the product does not have adequate commercial and productive management, in its opening to enhance its presence in the market. Also, the present study tries to identify and analyze several critical points in the value chain of peruvian quinoa; As well as the key agents and variables of the internal and external environment, in order to propose a new approach in the value chain and thus benefit the peruvian producers and agroexporting companies.

TESIS: Análisis de la cadena de valor de la quinua, chenopodium quinoa, peruana para el desarrollo de un modelo comercial agroexportador

The development of a value chain strengthened according of the new Peruvian agroexporting crops is of great importance to continue to make the sector dynamic. The present study analyzed the case of the quinoa as an emerging product, which has captured a great interest both by the consumer, local and international, as well as by the entrepreneurs. However, given the current situation, it can be said that the product does not have adequate commercial and productive management, in its opening to enhance its presence in the market. Also, the present study tries to identify and analyze several critical points in the value chain of peruvian quinoa; As well as the key agents and variables of the internal and external environment, in order to propose a new approach in the value chain and thus benefit the peruvian producers and agroexporting companies.

Identificación, justificación y aplicación de algunas estrategias para enfrentar conflictos sociales en industrias extractivas

This present work analyzes the importance of a communication strategy as part of the resolution of social conflicts in the mining industry. We used two cases of mining conflicts in Peru, the first one is the case of the AngloAmerican mining company with the Quellaveco project located in the department of Moquegua, which is a case of success and the second one is the case of Southern Copper Peru with the mining project Tía Maria, located in the department of Arequipa, which has not been resolved yet. For this, we focus on the importance of previous preparation and investigation of the negotiators, as well as the role of the state as a link between the extractive industry and the community. We also identify the external participants, evaluating the impact they have in the development of these negotiations. We bring under discussion, negotiation and communication where a key factor is the approach that is given to dialogue between the parties involved. In the development, we show how in the case of Quellaveco, the regional government headed by Governor Martin Vizcarra, assumed a very open position and became fully involved in the solution of the conflict by establishing a dialogue table with a participatory approach, being able to engage in collaborative negotiations with the community in order to get multiple beneficial agreements. Otherwise, Tía Maria is only using for the moment information tables in order to decrease the conflict without reaching agreement with the people who continue to oppose the project and increase the intensity of the conflict and its consequences.

Conflictos sociales
Aspectos sociales

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Experiencia de migración interna en jóvenes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana

La presente investigación es un estudio cualitativo, que tiene como objetivo describir las experiencias de migración interna de jóvenes universitarios en relación a la formación de su identidad. Para ello se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a migrantes jóvenes de 20 a 25 años. Del estudio se concluye que la motivación para migrar se construye dentro del plano personal, como un deseo propio del migrante, y un plano del entorno, tanto familiar como social que fomenta la idea de migrar para obtener mejores oportunidades. En el plano de la identidad se observa que se van generando estrategias para poder adaptarse al nuevo entorno y la importancia que tiene un grupo de apoyo.

This article is a qualitative method study conducted in Perú. which aims to objectively document the internal migratory experiences of a group of young Peruvian university students (20 -25 years old) and the impact of these experiences on the formation of their identities. The qualitative technique used was the semi–structured interview. The study found that the motivation to migrate is dependent internal factors, as a personal desire, as well as on environmental factors, familiar and social, that fosters the idea of migration to obtain better opportunities. In terms of identity, it was observed that coping strategies are developed to adapt to new environments as well as the importance of a having a support group.