martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Brechas de equidad en la evaluación censal de estudiantes 2007-2014: tres aproximaciones a su medición

Este artículo discute la evidencia generada mediante la evaluación censal de estudiantes del Perú (aplicada en el segundo grado de educación primaria para medir desempeños en comprensión lectora y matemática) entre 2007 y 2014, con relación a brechas de equidad vinculadas al sexo de los estudiantes, la gestión de la escuela (estatal/no estatal); el área geográfica (urbana/rural); y su característica (escuelas completas/multigrados).

Autor(es): Guadalupe, César; Burga, Andrés; Miranda, Liliana; Castillo, Luis Eduardo

Revista: Persona

Fecha de publicación: Diciembre 2015

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Fabricação digital na América do Sul: um mapeamento de linhas de ação a partir da arquitetura e urbanismo

The article presents a mapping of digital fabrication laboratories in South America from the architecture and urbanism field. First, it draws a brief context of implementation of facilities and growing of expertise highlighting economic, academic and cultural aspects. Second, it presents some data mapped from 31 laboratories of the region, as infrastructure, and correlations between uses and applications. Third, it organizes the mapped laboratories in two significant approaches for the region’s context: works focused on technological development and actions directed to the social and environmental development. Fourth, it infers some possible steps of the field in the region in the near future.

Autor(es): Sperling, David M.; Herrera Polo, Pablo C.; Celani, Gabriela; Scheeren, Rodrigo

ISSN: 2318-6968

Fecha de publicación: Noviembre 2015

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viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Conceptual, epidemiological and methodological design aspects for the study of pre-eclampsia

Cartas al editor

Autor(es): Monteverde, María PíaCoronel Acosta, ShadiaSegura, Eddy R.

Fecha de publicación: mar 2016

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Carrion's disease after blood transfusion.

Bartonella bacilliformis is a pathogen that is endemic in some areas of the Andean region of Peru, southern Ecuador and southern Colombia. This pathogen causes so-called Carrion's disease, a biphasic disease with acute and chronic phases (called Oroya fever and "Peruvian wart" respectively1-3). In the absence or delay of antibiotic treatment, the mortality rate in the acute phase is up to 88%1. The acute phase is characterised by fever and severe anaemia and may be followed, several weeks or months later, by the chronic eruptive phase due to endothelial cell proliferation2. No animal reservoir has been identified to date and it is considered that healthy carriers act as a pathogen reservoir in endemic areas. 

Autor(es): Pons, Maria J; Lovato, Pedro; Silva, Jaquelyne; Urteaga, Numan; Del Valle Mendoza, Juana; Ruiz, Joaquim

Revista: Blood transfusion (Blood Transfus)  (ISSN: 1723-2007)

Fecha de publicación: 5-nov-2015

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Evolución del concepto de cambio climático y su impacto en la salud pública del Perú

The term “climate change” is not a new concept but its impact on public health is under constant review. We know that climate has already changed and will continue to change for centuries with the rise in average global temperature, and the associated rise in sea level. This fact makes mitigation efforts relevant only in the very long term and for generations of humans whose parents have not yet been born. When we talk about public health in the context of climate change, we are talking about adaptation. In the present, countries that are currently the most affected by climate change are precisely countries like Peru, without a significant carbon footprint at the global level but that are highly sensitive to the effects of climate. Without reliable climate projections, the health impact of climate change can be uncertain and complicated. Nevertheless, at the local level, every district can identify its vulnerabilities and define priorities to protect the health of its population. There are, and it can also be developed, environmental health indicators that can help monitor how well we are adapting and how prepared we are for changes in the climate. Adaptation to climate change implies improving living conditions, enhancing epidemiological surveillance systems and extending access to healthcare. The fight against the effects of climate change in public health is a fight against poverty and inequality, and that is nothing new in Peru.

Autor(es): Sánchez Zavaleta, Carlos A.

Fecha de publicación: Marzo 2016

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