Are medical students able to perform multicenter studies?
This question goes far beyond what the scientific
environment could imagine even a few years ago.
Medical students, particularly in Latin America, have
progressively incremented their research
productivity[1],[2]. This is due to the strategies developed
—such as the creation of medical students’ scientific
societies— in response to the lack of a culture of research
and publishing in the continent [3],[4].
As these improvements have been rising, new research
challenging opportunities have emerged. Multicenter
studies are an example. We would like to relate the
experience of a project we ran in 85 universities of 17 Latin
American countries in which the main local researchers
were medical students, conforming then the Collaborative
Working Group for the Research of Human Resources for
Health (Red-LIRHUS) [5]. In order to do so, we will mention
the main advantages and complications in carrying out a
multicenter study with medical students as investigators.
Author(s): Pereyra Elías, Reneé; Montenegro Idrogo, Juan José; Mayta Tristán, Percy ( 0000-0002-0861-6606 )
Source: Medwave (Medwave)
Producción académica de de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC
viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015
Dispositivo intrauterino parcialmente migrado e incrustado en serosa de rectosigmoides tras 8 años de inserción
Se presenta el caso clínico de un dispositivo intrauterino parcialmente migrado a cavidad pélvica e incrustado
en serosa de rectosigmoides luego de 8 años de su inserción. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante
ecografía transvaginal y retiro del dispositivo por laparoscopia. Se realizó rafia de serosa rectal y de útero.
La paciente tuvo un postoperatorio sin complicaciones.
Autor(es): Bernuy P., Sandra; Rivera N., María Cristina; Salazar L., Carmen; Ramírez C., Fernando
Fuente: Revista Chilena de Obstetrica y Ginecología (Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol.)
Autor(es): Bernuy P., Sandra; Rivera N., María Cristina; Salazar L., Carmen; Ramírez C., Fernando
Fuente: Revista Chilena de Obstetrica y Ginecología (Rev. Chil. Obstet. Ginecol.)
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
Perception of physicians about medical education received during their Nephrology residency
Introduction: In Peru there are different
hospitals and university programs for
training of specialists in nephrology.
Objective: To assess the perception of
physicians who attend such programs.
Methods: We carried out a descriptive
cross-sectional national-level study in
physicians who were in the last two
years of nephrology training during
February 2012 and who had graduated
from it in 2010 and 2011. A self-applied
questionnaire was developed along with
the Peruvian Society of Nephrology
based on international standards. The
questionnaire evaluated: mentoring,
clinical training, procedures, external
rotations, research and global perception.
Results: Forty doctors were surveyed
nationwide. 82.5% had tutors, 22.5%
of them said their support was poor.
A 27.5% described their theoretical
formation as deficient. The practical
training was perceived as acceptable
globally; however, improvements in
training on peritoneal dialysis and
reading kidney transplant biopsies
are necessary. A 90% have national
external rotations and 65% reported to
have an international rotation. In the
assessment of research, 77.5% thought
this is deficient. In addition, 82.5%
believed that residency should last four
years. However, 60% reported that their
residency training was good. There is
a decrease in the positive perception
of the aspects studied among residents
regarding graduates. Conclusion:
The overall perception of nephrology
residency training was considered good;
however, areas of tutoring, and academic
and research activities on average were
Author(s): Herrera Añazco, Percy; Bonilla Vargas, Luis; Hernandez, Adrian V.; Silveira Chau, Manuela
Source: Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia (J. Bras. Nefrol)
Author(s): Herrera Añazco, Percy; Bonilla Vargas, Luis; Hernandez, Adrian V.; Silveira Chau, Manuela
Source: Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia (J. Bras. Nefrol)
Comments on Hynes et al. Prevalence of Marijuana Use among University Students in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
We have read and analyzed the article entitled “Prevalence of marijuana use
among university students in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru”. We propose some
objective points which could enhance the internal validity of the study (i.e., we suggest to
report participation proportions).
Author(s): Martinez Novack, Maria Claudia; Ortiz Ortiz, Maria Teresa; Castañeda-Carbajal, Bruno; Alvarado, German F.
Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health)
Author(s): Martinez Novack, Maria Claudia; Ortiz Ortiz, Maria Teresa; Castañeda-Carbajal, Bruno; Alvarado, German F.
Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health)
Pileflebitis: reporte de caso y revisión de literatura
Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 50 años que acude a la emergencia del Hospital Dos de Mayo, Lima, Perú, por presentar fiebre, dolor abdominal, diarrea e ictericia. Se plantea un cuadro de infección intestinal como diagnóstico inicial. Es derivado al área de Medicina Interna donde se realizan diversos exámenes de laboratorio y auxiliares, dentro de los cuales se indica realizar una tomografía computarizada abdominal. El estudio imagenológico confirmó el diagnóstico de pileflebitis, iniciando tratamiento con antibióticos y anticoagulantes. La respuesta y evolución fueron favorables
Autor(es): Lizeth Mirtha Flores Anaya; Cinthia Katherine León Lozada; Torres Damas, William Lovel
Fuente: Medwave (Medwave)
Autor(es): Lizeth Mirtha Flores Anaya; Cinthia Katherine León Lozada; Torres Damas, William Lovel
Fuente: Medwave (Medwave)
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