sábado, 18 de julio de 2015


At present, competency-based curriculum is considered to be the most appropriate model in medical education. Much has been written about this model; however, a crucial aspect of the model is the assessment of competency development which is a different point compared to the traditional model of cognitive assessment. Assessment in the context of the competencybased curriculum model must be aligned with the profile of the competencies that the institution offers. This publication reports the evaluation experience in a Medical School of Peru that applies a competency-based curriculum.
Authors: Champin, Denisse
Source: Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/331952

Association between the risk of major depression and low physical activity in peruvian workers studying in universities

In order to assess if an association exists between the risk of major depression (RMD) and physical activity (PA), controlling for demographic and academic variables in workers enrolled in undergraduate studies at a private university in Lima, Peru, we carried out a cross-sectional study of 1,111 people. We used the Major Depression Inventory (MDI) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) to measure RMD and PA, respectively. RMD prevalence was 4.2%. In the multiple regression model adjusted for age, gender, unemployment and hours of sleep, low levels of PA were associated with increased odds of RDM (OR: 2.15, 95% CI: 1.16 to 4.00). We conclude that there is an association between RMD and PA in the study population, independent of demographic and academics factors. Strategies to improve screening and development of longitudinal studies to assess causality are suggested.
Authors:Murillo Pérez, LuisRojas Adrianzén, CarolayRamos Torres, GabrielaCárdenas Vicente, BryanHernández Fernández, WendyLarco Castilla, PieroMezones Holguin, Edward
Source:Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
URL:  http://hdl.handle.net/10757/331951

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

OpenLibra: La Biblioteca libre on line que estabas esperando

Como desarrollador web, a menudo necesito recurrir a Internet para buscar información sobre las tecnologías que trabajo; la mayoría de las veces, suele ser suficiente una entrada concreta en un blog especializado o un simple comentario en un foro para indicarme la dirección correcta a seguir.
Sin embargo, en otras ocasiones, no hay mejor recurso para el aprendizaje que un buen libro o manual. Internet está repleto de material bibliográfico pero no siempre es fácil encontrarlo reunido en un mismo lugar. Muchas veces, necesitamos continuamente recurrir a los buscadores para ponernos sobre la pista de aquel material bibliográfico más relevante o que más se adapte a nuestras necesidades concretas. Y esto, es especialmente difícil cuando, además de buscar estos manuales, queremos que también sean libres.
Las estrategias comerciales de editores y la gran cantidad de páginas que ofrecen libros en descarga directa de forma ilegitima, hacen muy complicado el acceder a ese otro material que buscamos los que más apoyamos al movimiento libre, ya sea desde el punto de vista del software, o de cualquier otra actividad creativa: música, libros, videos, …
Es por todo que, sabiendo de la gran cantidad de material existente bajo licencias libres, y su alta calidad general, nace OpenLibra. La idea tras este proyecto es tratar de reunir en un mismo lugar, la mayor cantidad de recursos bibliográficos de calidad prestando un especial interés a aquellos escritos en lengua castellana. De este modo, todo aquel que tenga la necesidad de consultar un libro, o descargárselo tranquilamente para imprimirlo o leerlo en su dispositivo favorito, pueden acceder a este servicio y realizar sus búsquedas de una forma cómoda y categorizada.
Si encuentras entre todo el catálogo algo que te guste, no dudes en cogerlo.
Todos los libros que componen esta biblioteca son libres y, por tanto, son tuyos… son de todos.

Resultado de imagen para open libra

Scholarly Kitchen Podcast: Talking Publication Ethics

In this episode, host Stewart Wills talks with Charlotte Haug, the vice-chair of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), about the recent World Conference on Research Integrity, new community guidelines on research transparency and reproducibility, the international dimension of research ethics, and the dangers of sensationalizing retractions.
Source: The Scholarlykitchen
URL: Full text

sk podcast

Medical degree earned with a thesis in medical schools of Lima, 2011: characteristics, motivations and perceptions

We surveyed physicians who obtained their medical degree with a thesis in 2011 from the seven medical schools in Lima to know the characteristics of the degree by thesis process, as well as participants’ motivations and perceptions of that process. We included 98 students who did a thesis (87% of total); 99% conducted observational thesis, 30% did so in groups of three. The main motivation was that it was good for their curriculum vitae (94%). At the university where the thesis is compulsory, the process began with the choice of topic and adviser. Perceived “greatest” and “least” difficulty in the process was the completion of administrative procedures (53%) and selection of their advisor (11%), respectively. Administrative timeliness and processes should be reviewed so as not to impede the completion of thesis, since the new University Act requires the completion of a thesis to graduate.
Authors: Inga Berrospi, FiorellaMayta Tristán, PercyMejia, Christian R.
Source: Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/331889