miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Primer ejemplar de la Revista Anales de la Facultad de Medicina (1918)

Primer ejemplar publicado por la Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Naconal Mayor de San Marcos.
Fuente: Facultad de Medecina, UNMSM (2015)
URL: Texto completo

Significant increase in funding for health care assistance in developing countries seen since 1990

Since 1990, high-income countries distributed nearly $458 million in funding for the maintenance and improvement of heath care services in developing countries, according to recently published data in JAMA.
Source: JAMA
URL Ful text

The Problem(s) With Credit for Peer Review

Offering career credit to researchers for performing peer review seems like a no-brainer, right? Peer review is essential for our system of research, and study after study confirms that researchers consider it tremendously important. Funding agencies and journal publishers alike rely on researchers to provide rigorous review to aid in making decisions about who to fund and which papers to publish. On the surface it would seem to make sense to formalize this activity as a part of the career responsibilities of an academic researcher. But as one delves into the specifics of creating such a system, some major roadblocks arise.
One such problem falls into the realm of volunteerism and motivation. Right now, most academics see performing peer review as a service to the community. It’s important to the advancement of the field and so they volunteer their time. If instead we turn peer review into a mandatory, career requirement that is rewarded with credit, it changes the nature of the behavior. If we set standards (you must do X peer reviews per year) people will then work to those standards rather than the more generous acts we see today, where good samaritans (and good reviewers) take on much larger workloads.
Economists suggest that incentives (a form of reward) changes motivation, some of which will be actualized by real behavioral change. Educator Alfie Kohn talks about how behaviors change in light of offering rewards in one of his books on parenting:
Source: Scholarlykitchen
Scrabble tiles spelling "Credit"

martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Nature’s top 100 revisited

Recently, Van Noorden, Maher, and Nuzzo (2014) published a list of papers which are among
the 100 most highly cited papers of all time. This letter argues that such a list should not be produced on the base of bare citation counts, but normalized bibliometric indicators – the standard in bibliometrics

Dear Sir,
Recently, Van Noorden, et al. (2014) published a list of papers which are among the 100 most highly cited papers of all time (measured by Web of Science citations). Because citations are dependent on the time period since publication and the subject category of research, it is no wonder that the mean publication year is 1979 (min=1925 and max=2008) and nearly 40% of the papers are categorized as “Biology lab technique.” According to the field ranking in the Essential Science Indicators of Thomson Reuters “Molecular Biology & Genetics” has the second highest citation rate following “Multidisciplinary”. Since mid-1980s, bibliometricians use field- and time-normalized indicators which allow cross-time and cross-field comparisons of citation impact (Schubert & Braun, 1986). Today, the standard indicator is the meannormalized citation score (MNCS, Waltman, van Eck, van Leeuwen, Visser, & van Raan, 2011). For the MNCS, the observed citation impact of a focal paper is divided by the expected citation impact, namely the average citation impact of papers from the same publication year and subject category. In an in-house database of the Max Planck Society, which is based on Web of Science data, the MNCS has been added to each paper since 1980. 54 papers of Nature’s top 100 list were published after 1979 (mean publication year=1991). In the in-house database, the 54 papers with the highest MNCS were searched (mean publication year=1993).
The search was restricted to articles and reviews; it is not clear which document types Van Noorden, et al. (2014) considered. The 54 papers with the highest MNCS were compared with Nature’s top 100 list. The results show that 22 papers (41%) were unique in each list (based on the MNCS or bare citation counts, respectively) and 32 (59%) appeared in both lists. The great difference between both lists underlines the necessity to use normalized indicators – as it is the standard in professional bibliometrics.
Autor: Lutz Bornmann
URL: Full text

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

Mejoras en la implementación de BIM en los procesos de diseño y construcción de la empresa Marcan

El Perú vive desde el inicio del nuevo milenio un sostenido crecimiento de la industria de la construcción, impulsado por el aumento de los ingresos económicos y las mayores inversiones, como consecuencia del crecimiento económico y la mejora de las condiciones de financiamiento para la adquisición de vivienda. Este crecimiento económico dinamizó la generación de proyectos, por lo que las herramientas de dibujo tradicional (lapiceros, escuadras, compás, plantillas, etc.) fueron desplazadas rápidamente por la herramienta tecnológica de Diseño Asistido por Computadora, más conocida como CAD (por sus siglas en inglés), que ha permitido agilizar los laboriosos trabajos de dibujo de planos y ahora es de uso generalizado en todas la oficinas de proyectos. En esta década se han venido creando herramientas poderosas que han desplazado largamente al CAD, como lo es el Modelado de la Información de la Construcción o BIM (Building Information Modeling), que genera una base de datos del modelo y del cual no solamente se puede obtener la visualización en 3D sino que permite extraer todo tipo de información, tales como áreas, volúmenes, cantidades, propiedades de los elementos, precios y muchas aplicaciones que facilitan el trabajo de construcción y ayudan en la mejora de la productividad. La tesis presenta el marco teórico acerca de la tecnología BIM y su evolución durante los últimos 5 años. Posteriormente, como diagnóstico de la situación actual, se estudiará a la empresa Inmobiliaria y Constructora Marcan, que desde el año 2010 viene implementando el uso de la tecnología BIM en sus procesos de diseño y construcción. En base a esto se propondrá un plan de mejora en la implementación BIM en estas etapas y se establecerán los mecanismos de control del desempeño de estas mejoras.
Autor: Salinas Saavedra, José RobertoUlloa Román, Karem Asthrid
Fuente: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - UPC. Escuela de Postgrado 

ULR: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/528110