domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

Open Access Repository Ranking (OARR)

Das Open Access Repository Ranking (OARR) ist ein Projekt am Lehrstuhl Informationsmanagement am IBI. Derzeit werden in OARR Repositorien aus Deutschland anhand einer Metrik gerankt, die auf einem kategorisierten Kriterienkatalog basiert. Datengrundlage bildet die Untersuchung "2014 Census on Open Access Repositories in Germany, Austria and Switzerland", die im Rahmen eines Projektmoduls am IBI durchgeführt wurde. Die OARR-Metrik ist offen gelegt und wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Open Access Community weiterentwickelt. Im Vortrag werden sowohl der 2014 Census als auch die Idee und Weiterentwicklung von OARR sowie das bis dahin eingegangene Community-Feedback thematisiert. Ziel ist eine gemeinsame Diskussion von OARR.

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2015

Estado de derecho y régimen político

El artículo presenta un análisis empírico de experiencias de surgimiento del estado de derecho en relación con distintos tipos de régimen político, argumentando que aquel se asocia más a los que califican como moderados. Los extremos –particularmente, las democracias multipartidistas– resultan claramente inadecuados.
Autor: Sardón, José Luis
Fuente: Revista de Economía y Derecho

Feedback in clinical education

The feedback is a central component of medical education. Unfortunately, medical teachers often believe that provide adequate feedback to students. But several studies show confl icting results. The aim of this paper is to review the main concepts associated to feedback in clinical education as part of the teaching–learning process.
 Authors: Ceccarelli Calle, Juan Francisco
Source: Rev Estomatol Herediana

Peruvian Propolis: A new alternative in dental antimicrobial therapy

Propolis is a resinous substance complex consisting of a variety of chemical compounds (esters, flavonoids, etc.), it´s composition is not stable and varies depending on the source. In addition, one of the most important properties of propolis is its activity antibacterial, which is attributed mainly to flavonoides. Propolis has been known since ancient times and has been used by different cultures for various purposes. With the subsequent development of pharmaceutical and herbal treatments there is a resurgence in its use. It is for this reason that in recent years have done some research about the products from the bees and their potential health benefits oral. Therefore, this literature review collects the available information on properties of propolis depends on geography and the antibacterial activity propolis has applied to dentistry.
Authors: Mayta-Tovalino, FrankSacsaquispe Contreras, SoniaCeccarelli Calle, Juan FranciscoAlania Mallqui, Jorge
Source: Rev Estomatol Herediana

Answers about food contamination in the home, comparing mothers or caregivers of Peru and Costa Rica

Objective: To compare the knowledge of mothers on food contamination in the home between the towns of Peru and Costa Rica. Methods: It was conducted in a rural area of Peru (San Pablo and Huascar) in San Juan de Lurigancho in Lima, and Costa Rica (San Vicente of Three Rivers). The questions were part of a scale that was validated on an expert opinion. It was developed to measure three components or domains.After validation,the instrument was applied in Costa Rica with a group of mothers or caregivers with children under five. The application was developed in Peru in a population with similar characteristics. Results:The sample consisted of 50 caregivers in Costa Rica and 194 in Peru. There is no significant difference in the domains of contamination utensils at home (p=O.750>0.05) and knowledge of child illness (p=0.060>0.05). Knowledge of agents of contamination was highly significant (p=0.000<0.01). In general there is enough evidence to say that knowledge of food contamination in the home are different in mothers of Peru and Costa Rica, (p=0.013 <0.05). Conclusions: No significant differences on pollution and disease. There is highly significant difference in knowledge about pollutants. Overall knowledge of food contamination in the home were higher in mothers or caretakers of Peru.The scale can contribute to the planning of interventions in the aspect of pollution in the home.
Authors: Lozada Urbano, MichelleMiranda, DorisRequena-Marcos, Lucy SoniaCaro Soto, CarinaGallegos Vergara, Clara;Xirinachs Salazar, Yanira
Source: Infinitum