lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

Colorectal polyps: update on diagnosis

Histological diagnosis determines the clinical behavior of colorectal polyps. Recently new types of polyps have been described and the classification has become wider and more complex. Our aim is update the current concepts in the knowledge of colorectal polyps.
Authors:Arévalo, F.Aragón, V.Alva, J.Perez Narrea, M.Cerrillo, G.Montes, P.Monge, Eduardo
Source: Rev. gastroenterol. Perú 

Arterial hypertension: what we know today

Se me ha invitado a editorializar –agradezco la gentileza- un simposio desarrollado por connotados especialistas sobre una enfermedad prevalente, crónica, callada, abigarrada en sus distintas fases clínicas, con signología única, basada en los números que indica un aparato y, por tanto, privilegio diagnóstico de un segmento de la población que por alguna razón accede a él.
Autor: Quiroz, Guillermo
Fuente: An Fac med

Lesiones Vasculares del Tracto Gastrointestinal alto en el Hospital Nacional Daniel A. Carrión (2007-2008)

OBJETIVO: presentar la experiencia en lesiones vasculares del tracto digestivo superior en los años 2007-2008 en el Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrion. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Se revisaron todas las endoscopias realizadas en el periodo señalado. Se consignaron las lesiones vasculares encontradas. Se utilizo la Clasificación de la OMED para lesiones vasculares. RESULTADOS: Se revisaron 1,979 exámenes. Se encontraron 26 lesiones vasculares (Prevalencia=13.13/1,000 endoscopias). La localización mas frecuente (65,4%) en estomago. El tipo de lesión más común fue la angiectasia vascular (57,7%). CONCLUSIÓN: Las lesiones vasculares del tracto digestivo superior son poco frecuentes, son mas comunes en estomago y las angiectasias vasculares son las mas frecuentemente reportadas.; To display the experience of vascular lesions in the upper digestive tract in 2007-2008 at Daniel Alcides Carrión Hospital. METHODOLOGY: Transverse study. All endoscopies performed in the indicated period were reviewed. Vascular lesions found were record. The OMED classification for vascular lesions was used in this research. RESULTS: 1.979 examinations were reviewed. 26 vascular injuries were found (prevalence = 13.13/1000 endoscopies). The most frequent location was in stomach (65.4%). The most common type of injury was vascular angiectasia(57.7%). CONCLUSION: Vascular lesions in the upper digestive tract were rare; these lesions were more common in the stomach. Vascular angiectasias were the most frequently reported
Autor: Guzman, EdsonEspinoza, MiguelMonge, Eduardo
Fuente: Rev. Gastroenterol. Perú

sábado, 11 de julio de 2015

Nutrition transition in Peru, 1991-2005

Nutrition transition is a process including changes in the nutritional profile of populations. Many developing countries, including Peru, are in transition. Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe the variation of the nutritional profile of Peruvian children, mothers in reproductive age and families between 1991 and 2005. Material and methods: using available information from databases from Peruvian Health and Demographic National Surveys, between 1991 and 2005, we described the prevalence of malnutrition in Peruvian children less than 5 years of age, mothers in reproductive age, and families, at the national, regional, and socioeconomic level, and by residence area (urban/rural). Results: Stunting in children has been high and constant since 1996. Overweight in children has increased, mainly in Lima and the Coast. Overweight and obesity are the main nutritional problems of mothers in reproductive age, which have increased in Lima and the Coast. Coexistence of child stunting and maternal obesity at the family level has been low and without specific trend. Conclusions: The Peruvian nutritional profile is in transition. The main components are the high prevalence of stunting in children and the increase of maternal overweight and obesity. This findings show that Peruvian population is posed at a high risk of developing diseases related to both extremes of nutrition.
Authors: Mispireta, Mónica L.Rosas, Ángel M.Velásquez, José E.Lescano, Andrés G.Lanata, Claudio F.
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica


Severity of the gastroenteritis caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus of the pand emic group in Peru

Objective. To determine the epidemiological and clinic characteristics of gastroenteritis caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains of the pandemic group in Peru. Material and methods. Clinical and laboratory records were searched in 100 cases of gastroenteritis caused by V parahaemolyticus, either of the pandemic or non pandemic group. Clinical and epidemiological data were collected and statistical analysis was done to evaluate if the severity of illness was associated with the pandemic group. Results. Epidemiological data were collected in 85% of cases, and clinical data were only available in 37% of cases, mainly on those hospitalized. Cases associated with the pandemic strains had a higher probability of liquid stools (96.3% vs. 62.5%, p<0.05), moderate or severe dehydration (100% vs. 60%, p<0.05), and hospital care (98% vs. 42.9%, p<0.0001). Cases aged thirty or older were associated with the pandemic strains (63% vs. 39.5%, p<0.05). Conclusions. Vibrio parahaemolyticus of the pandemic group causes more severe gastrointestinal disease than none pandemic strains, with higher probability of requiring hospital care. Based on this report, it is advisable to include the identification of V. parahaemolyticus in the etiological diagnosis of agents causing severe gastroenteritis in the Peruvian health system.
Authors: Gil, Ana I.Lanata, Claudio F.Miranda, HernánPrada, AnaSeas, CarlosHall, Eric R.Meza, RinaBarreno, Carmen M.Maúrtua, DoraG. Balakrish Nair
Source: Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica