sábado, 11 de julio de 2015

The Cocoon Strategy: Does it work for Latin American countries?

To the Editor: We read with interest the report by Esolen and Kilheeney1 about the mandatory pertussis immunization campaign for health care workers (HCWs) in their health system.1 They assert that this intervention was implemented because nonimmune adults play a significant role in transmitting the disease and their vaccination prevents it. We agree and we would like to strengthen their argument with the idea that it is also known that non-HCW adults and adolescents are reservoirs of the bacteria and a potential source of infection, especially for infants younger than age 2 months who are unprotected and at higher risk of lethal disease because schedules all over the world initiate pertussis vaccination during the sixth week of life and beyond.2

Pertussis incidence has risen worldwide during the past few years,3 and obviously has reached Peru, which received a national epidemiologic alert during August 2012.4 Comparing cases reported with 2011, the final 2012 number was greater than double. This represents a high risk for the development of a wide epidemic in Peru.
Authors: Cáceres Mejía, BrendaPereyra Elías, ReneéSuárez Ognio, Luis
Source: Am J Infect Control
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/324587

Cecal solitary ulcer as a presentation of Crohn´s disease

Crohn’s Disease, is a rare inflammatory bowel disease in Perú. Incidence rates vary from 1,6 – 14,6 / 100 000 and prevalence rate is 140 / 100000 in the western hemisphere. We report a case of 52 y.o male patient from Callao Peru, with a colonoscopy image of a solitary cecal ulcer and without other gastrointestinal findings and a histology suggestive of Crohn’s Disease with a ASCA positive and p –ANCA negative.
Authors: Guzman Calderon, EdsonMontes Teves, Pedro
Source: Rev. gastroenterol. Perú
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/324131

Erosive cola-based drinks affect the bonding to enamel surface: an in vitro study

Objective: This study aimed to assess the impact of in vitro erosion provoked by different cola-based drinks (Coke types), associated or not with toothbrushing, to bonding to enamel. Material and methods: Forty-six bovine enamel specimens were prepared and randomly assigned into seven groups (N=8): C- Control (neither eroded nor abraded), ERO-RC: 3x/1-minute immersion in Regular Coke (RC), ERO-LC: 3x/1-minute immersion in Light Coke (LC), ERO-ZC: 3x/1-minute immersion in Zero Coke (ZC) and three other eroded groups, subsequently abraded for 1-minute toothbrushing (EROAB-RC, EROAB-LC and EROAB-ZC, respectively). After challenges, they were stored overnight in artificial saliva for a total of 24 hours and restored with Adper Single Bond 2/Filtek Z350. Buildup coronal surfaces were cut in 1 mm2-specimens and subjected to a microtensile test. Data were statistically analyzed by two-way ANOVA/Bonferroni tests (a=0.05). Failure modes were assessed by optical microscopy (X40). The Interface of the restorations were observed using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). Results: All tested cola-based drinks significantly reduced the bond strength, which was also observed in the analyses of interfaces. Toothbrushing did not have any impact on the bond strength. CLSM showed that except for Zero Coke, all eroded specimens resulted in irregular hybrid layer formation. Conclusions: All cola-based drinks reduced the bond strength. Different patterns of hybrid layers were obtained revealing their impact, except for ZC.
Authors: Casas Apayco, Leslie CarollDreibi, Vanessa ManziniHipólito, Ana CarolinaGraeff, Márcia Sirlene Zardin;Rios, DanielaMagalhaes, Ana CarolinaBuzalaf, Marília Afonso RabeloWang, Linda
Source: J. Appl. Oral Sci

URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/324186

Requirement of micronutrients and oligoelements

A brief evidence-based account on the importance of micronutrients and oligoelements in the diet during pregnancy and post-partum is done. An integral approach on nutrition must be given to women during reproductive life as well as before pregnancy. Micronutrient deficiencies have been associated with fetal structural defects risks. Micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy has shown to be effective in the prevention of different health problems including low birth weight, small for gestational age, and birth defects including neural, cardiovascular, cleft palate and abnormalities of the urinary tract. There is no evidence of protection against genetic problems type Down syndrome, or in reduction of perinatal mortality.
Authors: Ciudad Reynaud, Antonio
Source: Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet.

URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/324130

Guides for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

The objective of the present article is the approach of 2010 ECC & CPR Guidelines and their principal modifications. Guidelines are the result of scientific evidence and clinical research that support statements and new recommendations. Some important changes in 2010 present in the Chain of Survival which includes aspects of Postresuscitation Care1,2. CPR Guidelines were published and uploaded on-line (Resuscitation and Circulation publication) in October 18th, 20109,10. One of the most important training and learning strategies is the dissemination of concepts from ILCOR CPR and ECC Guidelines which had extended into ERC and AHA. This has allowed the medical personnel to treat patients victims of cardiac arrest or cardiac emergency efficiently. We are convinced that interactive methodology and clinical simulation are essential for training and learning. We cannot know cardiopulmonary resuscitation without discussion of science and performance of lively clinical scenery cases for each of the main topics in CPR and ECC; El presente artículo busca como objetivo primordial, una aproximación a las Guías 2010 y principales cambios; estamos convencidos que el entrenamiento y aprendizaje de ella se basa en los conceptos de metodología activa y simulación clínica, no podemos tener un conocimiento de la ciencia y protocolos de reanimación cardiopulmonar sin antes no haber experimentado la discusión de temas y desarrollo de casos escenarios vivenciales, para cada uno de los tópicos descritos a continuación. Una de las estrategias más importantes es la diseminación de los conceptos contenidos en las Guías ILCOR de Reanimación Cardiopulmonar que se han consensuado en la ERC y AHA. Ello ha permitido que el personal de salud trate a los pacientes victimas de paro cardiaco o emergencias cardiacas con mayor eficiencia. Las guías actuales fundamentan todos sus aspectos en investigación y recomendaciones, los cambios se iniciaron con una variación sustantiva de la cadena de supervivencia incorporando conceptos de integración de cuidados postparo1,2. Las Guías de Reanimación Cardiopulmonar fueron publicadas y puestas on-line (Resuscitation y American Heart Association) en Octubre 18, 20109,10.
Authors: Escalante-Kanashiro, Raffo
Source: Acta méd. peruana 

URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10757/323461