lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

Fecal leukocytes in children with acute diarrhea: time to reconsider the clinical usefulness of the test?

INTRODUCTION. Fecal leukocytes are widely used to identify invasive diarrhea and to make then the decision of prescribing or not antibiotics. This test has been hardly assessed in small hospitals of developing countries with efficient laboratory processes. We aimed to assess the diagnostic performance of different thresholds of fecal leukocytes in children under-five with acute diarrhea. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Retrospective study of clinical and laboratory records in the Pediatric Emergency Hospital, Lima, Peru. All cases with a stool culture and fecal leukocytes independently and systematically performed were studied. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios (LR), and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves were calculated. RESULTS. Out of 1,804 stool samples assessed, 901 (49,9%) were positive for one or more bacterial entheropathogens. Sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), and positive LR varied for different thresholds: more than 5 (S: 93.2%, Sp: 21.9%, LR+:), more than 20 (Sn: %, Sp: %, +LR: ), more than 50 (Sn: 74.9%, Sp: 56.7%, +LR: 1.73), and more than 100 fecal leukocytes per high power field (Sn: 60.7%, Sp: 71.9%, LR+: 2.17). The general area under the ROC curve was 0.69 (CI 95%: 0.67-0.72).
Authors: Yhuri Carreazo, NiltonUgarte, KarimHuicho, Luis
Source: Rev. gastroenterol. Perú


Low levels of knowledge and refusal attitudes towards to tuberculosis treatment.

Señor Editor: La tuberculosis (TB) es una enfermedad con una condición altamente trascendente en salud pública, no sólo por su elevada frecuencia en países en vías de desarrollo, sino también por las repercusiones económicas y sociales que ésta tiene, debido a su efecto sobre la población económicamente activa, situación a la que el Perú no es ajena (1-3). En ese sentido, nos ha sido grato leer el contenido del tercer número la Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (RPMESP), donde se incide en la TB como un campo de acción prioritario que cuenta con una estrategia nacional para su control, tratamiento y prevención –aunque, su efectividad se encuentra en tela de juicio– y adicionalmente se proponen otros mecanismos para abordar el problema (3-5).
Authors: Antón Neyra, RobertMezones Holguin, Edward
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica

Atypic toxocariasis: a case report from the Peruvian north coast.

We present the case of a 4.5 years old boy with atypic toxocariasis, from La Matanza, Morropon, Piura. The patient had non-specific symptoms during 9 days. Suspicion of Toxocariasis was supported by marked eosinophilia in the cell blood count (15% or 1470 cells/µL). Diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory with ELISA serology demonstrating the presence of IgG and IgM anti-Toxocara antibodies. Symptoms receded before the patient received a five-day treatment with albendazol 15mg/kg/day.
Authors:Terrones-Campos, CynthiaAndrade, TeresaLachira, ArnaldoValladolid, OmarLanata, Claudio F.
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica

High frequency of plagiarism in medical thesis from a peruvian public university.

An observational study was conducted to describe the presence of plagiarism in medical thesis in 2008 performed at a public university in Peru. Search for plagiarism in 33 thesis introductions using a Google search algorithm, characterizes of the study type and we search in electronic form if the thesis mentor have published articles in scientific journals. We found evidence of plagiarism in 27/33 introductions, 37.3% (171/479) of all the paragraphs analyzed had some degree of plagiarism, literal plagiarism was the most frequent (20/27) and journals were the most common sources of plagiarism (19/27). The characteristics of the studies were observational (32/33), cross-sectional (30/33), descriptive (25/33) and retrospective (19/33). None of the authors had published in a scientific journal, and only nine of his tutors of them had at least one publication. No association was found between the characteristics of the thesis and the presence of plagiarism. In conclusion, we found a high frequency of plagiarism in theses analyzed. Is responsibility of medical schools take the necessary actions to detect and avoid plagiarism among their students.
Authors: Saldaña-Gastulo, J. Jhan C.Quezada-Osoria, C. ClaudiaPeña-Oscuvilca, AméricoMayta Tristán, Percy
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica


Prevalence and asociated factors WITH depresive symptoms in Health Sciences students from a private university in Lima, Peru 2010.

Objectives. To determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and its associated factors in students from the Health Sciences Faculty of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas in Lima (Peru), June 2010. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional analytic study; a pre-consented survey was applied to the population 590/869 students. Zung’s abbreviated scale was used to measure depressive symptoms. To evaluate de associated factors, logistic regression was used, p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. The mean age was 18.97 ± 2.45 years and 71.1% were women, 19.6% were migrants and 62.5% were medical students. The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 31.2% in the whole population and in medical students was 33.6%. Depressive symptoms were not associated in bivariate analysis with sex, career, having failed a course, living alone or being a migrant (p>0.05). In the multivariate analysis, significant statistical association was found between depressive symptoms and dissatisfaction with the own academic performance (OR=2.13 CI95%1.47-3.08), dissatisfaction with the current economic status (OR=1.93 CI95%1.24-2.99) and living with a relative external to the nuclear family (OR=1.62 CI95%1.07-2.45). Conclusion. A high prevalence of depressive symptoms was found, especially in medical students; being dissatisfaction with academic performance, economic status and living with a relative external to the nuclear family associated factors that could be taken into account in order to build preventive programs.
Authors: Pereyra Elías, ReneéOcampo-Mascaró, JavierSilva-Salazar, VeraVélez-Segovia, EduardoDa Costa-Bullón, A. DanielToro-Polo, Luis MiguelVicuña-Ortega, Joanna
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica