viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

Problems in medical prescriptions for the elderly in Peru.

Sr. Editor. Hemos revisado el estudio realizado en Argentina por Regueiro et al. respecto a la prescripción de medicamentos en adultos mayores no institucionalizados; en el cual se encontró que el uso de medicamentos potencialmente inapropiados fue alto. Asimismo, se evidenció la limitada información respecto al tema en dicho país (1). Al buscar información en las bases nacionales, solo
se logró ubicar dos publicaciones relacionadas. La primera, realizada en el Hospital Almenara Essalud entre el 2002-2004, evaluó la calidad de la prescripción de 456 medicamentos en 76 pacientes mayores de 65 años catalogados como frágiles. Los medicamentos que presentaron mayor número de problemas fueron los que actúan a nivel cardiovascular (63,2%), gastrointestinal
(28,9%), sistema nervioso central (27,6%) y músculo esquelético (17,1%). El 90,8% de los pacientes presentó, por lo menos, un problema calificado como inadecuado en alguno de los diez criterios del Medication Aproppiateness Index (MAI) antes de ser hospitalizados (2).
Authors: Rodríguez, NelsonPuente, IrisBernabe Ortiz, Antonio
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica

Publication of summaries presented at the scientific congresses of medical students, Peru 2002-2009: characteristics and related factors

To determine the publication rate of abstracts submitted at the national scientific meetings of medical students in Peru between 2002 and 2009, and associated factors. Materials and methods. A retrospective cohort was performed; the characteristics of overall abstract submitted were assessed. In addition, whether they were published in scientific journals was determined by way of a search strategy validated using Google Scholar. Crude and adjusted relative risks (RR) were calculated using Poisson regression with robust variance to assess association with the analyzed factors. Results. 532 abstracts were analyzed, 52 (9.8%) of which were published in scientific journals after their presentation at a scientific meeting. All of them were published in Peruvian journals written in Spanish. The most important journal in which they were published was Ciencia e Investigación Médica Estudiantil Latinoamericana (CIMEL) (13/52). The median of publication time was 13 months (range: 0-75). The fact that a student from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (RR: 5.18; CI95%:2.3-11.6) is the author of the abstract and that the abstract was collaboratively written by students from two universities (RR: 3.64; CI95%:1.1-11.7) are associated factors in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions. The publication rate of abstract submitted at national scientific meetings of medical students in Peru is low. New strategies should be taken, and the existing ones should be reinforced in order to increase the publication rate of the abstract submitted.
Authors: Toro-Polo, Luis MiguelPereyra Elías, ReneéNizama-Vía, AyarNg-Sueng, Luis FernandoVélez-Segovia, EduardoGalán-Rodas, EdénMayta Tristán, Percy
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica


Physical performance in older adults living at high altitude

 DEA, JEF y MCM han participado en la concepción y diseño del artículo, la recolección, análisis e interpretación de datos, la redacción del artículo, la revisión crítica del artículo y en la obtención de financiamiento. FRC ha participado en la concepción y diseño del artículo, el análisis e interpretación de datos, la redacción del artículo, la revisión crítica del artículo, el aporte de pacientes y en la asesoría técnica o administrativa. Todos los autores participaron de la aprobación de la versión final del artículo.
Authors: Estela Ayamamani, DavidEspinoza Figueroa, JossuéColumbus Morales, MauricioRunzer Colmenares, Fernando
Source: Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica


Histologic and endoscopic characteristics of gastric cancer diagnosed in a national Hospital of Callao, Peru.

To describe the histologic and endoscopic characteristics reported among patients diagnosed with gastric cancer in “Daniel Alcides Carrion” National Hospital in Callao. Materials and methods. We performed a case series including all patients with histological diagnosis of gastric cancer from January 2009 to December 2011. Data were obtained from the registers of the pathology service of Daniel Alcides Carrion National Hospital. Factors such as age and gender of patients, histologic type, endoscopic location, presence of intestinal metaplasia, histologic degree, and cancer morphology were evaluated. Results. 120 patients were included. Mean age was 65.4 ± 13.6 years; 59 (49%) were male. Based on the histologic type, intestinal type was found among 68 (56%); diffuse type among 45 (38%), and a mixed type in 7 (6%). Regarding the site, 23 (19%) of gastric cancers were located in the fundus; 52 (43%) in the body; 39 (33%) in the antrum, and 6 (5%) in the pylorus. Patients with gastric cancer of the intestinal type were in average older than those with a diffuse type (69.1 ± 10.3 versus 59.3 ± 15.3). 60.3% of intestinal-type gastric cancers were located proximally, versus 66.6% of diffuse-type cancers. Conclusion. Among the studied population, diffuse-type gastric cancer appears at an earlier age than the intestinal type, and its most common location is proximal.
Authors: Rodríguez-Vargas, BrinyArévalo-Suarez, FernandoMonge-Salgado, EduardoMontes-Teves, Pedro
Source: Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica


Genetic diversity of locus of enterocyte effacement genes of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from Peruvian children.

The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and allele associations of locus of enterocyte effacement encoded esp and tir genes among 181 enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains (90 diarrhoea-associated and 91 controls) isolated from Peruvian children under 18 months of age. We analysed espA, espB, espD and tir alleles by PCR-RFLP. EPEC strains were isolated with higher frequency from healthy controls (91/424, 21.7 %) than from diarrhoeal samples (90/936, 9.6 %) (P,0.001); 28.9% of diarrhoeal and 17.6% of control samples were typical EPEC (tEPEC). The distribution of espA alleles (alpha, beta, beta2 and gamma) and espD alleles (alpha, beta, gamma and a new variant, espD-N1) between tEPEC and atypical EPEC (aEPEC) was significantly different (P,0.05). espD-alpha was more common among acute episodes (P,0.05). espB typing resulted in five alleles (alpha, beta, gamma and two new suballeles, espB-alpha2 and espB-alpha3), while tir-beta and tir-gamma2 were the most common intimin receptor subtypes. Seventy-two combinations of espA, espB, espD and tir alleles were found; the most prevalent combination was espA-beta, espB-beta, espD-beta, tir-beta (34/181 strains), which was more frequent among tEPEC strains (P,0.05). Our findings indicate that there is a high degree of heterogeneity among EPEC strains isolated from Peruvian children and that aEPEC and tEPEC variants cluster.
Authors: Contreras, C. A.Ochoa, T. J.Ruiz, J.Lacher, D. W.Durand, D.DebRoy, C.Lanata, C. F.Cleary, T. G.
Source: J Med Microbiol