This paper aims to evaluate the use of Electronic resources (E-resources) by the library users of Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, India, with a view to examine the exposure of users to e-resources. Besides, it aims to highlight the alert services
offered by the library, most preferred format of the journals, awareness of E-resources, helpfulness of e-resources and
efforts made by the library for better E-services to their users. This study is based on a structured questionnaire; for the
purpose of this study, total 822 questionnaires were distributed among the post graduate students, research scholars and
faculty members. Of all distributed questionnaires, 412 questionnaires received back duly filled by the respondents. Various
statistical methods have been used for analysis of data. The result of this study is presented and discussed in this paper.
Authors: Ram Gopal Garg, Amit Kumar Tamrakar
Source: J Scientometric Res.
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