viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

Los IG-NOBEL: Premios a la imaginación científica

El objetivo del presente trabajo fue hacer una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura publicada sobre los premios Ig-Nobel que se entregan cada año a investigadores por sus trabajos científicos. En tal sentido, se analizó diversas publicaciones y se resumió los aspectos más relevantes. Los premios pretenden celebrar lo inusual, honrar lo imaginativo y estimular el interés por la ciencia, la medicina y la tecnología
Fuente: Hontanar. Revista del Departamento de Estadística, Demografía, Humanidades y Ciencias Sociale
URL: Texot completo

Creencias acerca de la masturbación

El objetivo de la investigación fue realizar una revisión sobre las creencias acerca de la masturbación. Para ello, se hizo una búsqueda de los trabajos publicados sobre el tema, se analizó y se seleccionó los más relevantes. Los autores exponen que la masturbación era considerada una enfermedad, estudiada por la medicina, especialmente por la psiquiatria y la psicología. Se concluye que la masturbación es una actividad sexual común en ambos sexos y en algunos casos, se utiliza como técnica terapéutica en las disfunciones sexuales.; The objective of the research was to carry out a revision on the beliefs about the masturbation. For it, a search of the works was made published on the topic, it was analyzed and it was selected the most outstanding. The authors expose that the masturbation was considered an illness, studied by the medicine, especially for the psychiatry and the psychology. It concludes that the masturbation is a common sexual activity in both sexes and in some cases, it is used as therapeutic technique in the sexual disfunctions.
Fuente: Hontanar. Revista del Departamento de Estadística, Demografía, Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
URL Texto completo

How to write a case report for publication. A practical guide

This article provides a practical guide on how to write a case report and to try to publish it in a medical journal. With a teaching purpose intended for young physicians the author provides thoughts on the importance of communicating case studies for the progress of medicine, how to find out if the clinical case provides novelties and deserves to be published, how to conduct a literature search and how to handle it for drafting the manuscript, tips on how to write a case report, how to choose the journal in which to try to publish the manuscript, and some rules that should be followed to improve the chances of it being accepted and published
Source: Revista Médica de Chile
URL: Full text

Prevalence of filariasis by Mansonella ozzardi and associated factors among 2 suburban communities of Iquitos, 2009

Introduction Three cases of M. ozzardi infection from 2 suburban communities in Iquitos, Peru, led to a suspicion of local transmission. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of filariasis by M. ozzardi and its associated factors among these communities. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was performed, as well as an epidemiological survey and a thick smear blood test. Larvae and mosquitoes were collected. The adjusted OR (aOR) using multiple logistic regression was calculated. Results A total of 433 participants were enrolled; 58% were women. The prevalence of M. ozzardi was 1.4% and the associated factors included being a fisherman (aOR: 8.7; 95%CI: 1.1–76.0) and being on the Alto Nanay river (aOR: 11.2; 95%CI: 1.2–112.5). No significant evidence of simulidos or culicoides was found. Conclusion The low prevalence of M. ozzardi found suggests a foreign infection, probably derived from the Alto Nanay river.
Source: Asociación Colombiana de Infectología
URL: Full text

Linked Data URIs and Libraries: The Story So Far

The linked data movement is a relatively new trend on the web that, among other things, enables diverse data providers to publish their content in an interoperable, machine-understandable way. Libraries around the world appear to be embracing linked data technologies that render their content more accessible to both humans and computers. This paper focuses on linked data URIs that refer to authority data. We attempt to identify the specific MARC fields that are capable of hosting linked data information. Additionally, seven major national libraries are examined to determine to what degree they have adopted the fundamental linked data principles.
Source: D-Lib Magazine
Full text
